I've created a quest, assigned an alias that will be filled with NPCs from a specific faction (find matching alias, in closest area), and attached an alias ForceGreet package. The quest is conditioned by the location where I want the NPCs to have this behaviour. I've setup the blocking topic and dialogue tree for the conversation I want to 'force' on the player. I've generated an SEQ file, since the quest introduces custom dialogue.
The aim is to have the specified NPC type run up to the player and force a dialogue, when the player is in the specified location. The problem is that the alias ForceGreet package does not seem to be trigger.
What does work:
- when the player initiates conversation with the specified NPCs, the blocking dialogue tree I have implemented works (which seems to indicate the alias is filled)
- only the NPCs belonging to the specified faction, and in the specified location, will have that dialogue, so the quest starts and the quest conditions check out.
- when near the specified NPCs, they will casually greet (not force greet) the player with the first set of dialogue lines from the blocking topic, but not initiate 'deep conversation.' This is not what I want. I want them to force the player into the 'deep conversation' dialogue I have implemented, in which the player can respond with choices.
How I've set up the ForceGreet package:
Topic, Value: I've specified the blocking topic of the dialogue tree. I've also tried '(Hello)'--makes no difference.
NPC Wait Location: Self, radius 150 (I want the - NPCs to continue normal routine until player is near, not sure what to put here)
Trigger Location: PlayerRef, 750
Forcegreet Distance: PlayerRef, 300
Player Must be Detected?: True
Any ideas?