Editing master lists and switching out plugins

Post » Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:37 am

So, the situation is that I have a bunch of mods I made and I want to merge them all together into one .esp. That's not a problem in itself, but I also have a bunch of compatibility patches for SkyRe, Requiem and the likes for all of those mods that I also want to merge. So the issue is that I want the merged compatibility patch to point towards the new single .esp instead of the old separate ones.

First, I'd like to know how I'm even supposed to make such an edit to the master list manually since I've never done that before. Is it possible in Tes5Edit or Wrye Bash? Second I'm a bit wary of how switching out the .esps will affect the existing records that rely on the old .esps... will it work just fine or might there be complications?

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Rachael Williams
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