I'm having an issue where my game crashes on save but the game makes a new save with a .ess.tmp file looking like this:
save 976 Garol Dreamshard Breezehome 16.00.52.ess
save 976 Garol Dreamshard Breezehome 16.00.52.skse
save 977 Garol Dreamshard Breezehome 16.02.24.ess.tmp
The save 977 is the new save but does not exist. I've tried reloading previous saves and it doesn't help. I've tried the player.kill trick and that didn't do anything either. I have mods installed but they have been installed all 20 hours I've spent on this character and this only just started yesterday. I haven't loaded any other character for fear of corrupting those files as well.
Does anyone know how to fix this? (short of making a new character)