One last problem I need to solve. Guard problem

Post » Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:10 pm

Why the heck are the guards attacking each other? Previously when I didn't upload so many mods, the guards were regular and normal to one another. With so many mods uploaded, the guards in every city start attacking one another for no reason. This becomes a problem when proceeding in some quests.

Is it probably because of the upload or one of the mods? Here's the list.

Mod list:

Animated Prostitution
Apocalypse New
Basvandeu Muscle TextureChanger Female Only LITE with Navestea
Cloaks of Skyrim
Enhanced Blood Textures
Faces- GeonoxFaces(The one I couldn't figure how to delete without messing with the male graphics)
Frostfall2_5 release
Illusion Poison Spells
Killable Children
Original Release-10198-1
Prison of Despair
Realistic Needs and Diseases
Temptress Complete v1_3-18717-1-3
UFO Ultimate Follower Overhual
Unarmed Warfare-New animations for hand to hand combat
UNP Base Main body V1dot2-6709
Vanilla skin texture v1_8 hairy wild body PATCH-6554

Steam mods:

AP Skyrim.esm
Marriageable Female NPCS
Better Combat AI
Throwing Weapons Redux
Bandit Raids
Marriage Mod- To have & Hold
Playable flute, lute, and drum
Skyrim Spells and Powers
Improved Blacksmithing
Diamond Weapon Smithing
Murder Enhanced: investigation
Followers can relax
Mary J's Hideaway
Midas Magic Evolved
Neiheleim, Islands of the Sky
Complete Skyforge
Vigilance is a Husky
Midas Magic- Spells for Skyrim
Bonds of Matrimony- Divorce
Payne Frostfall
Faction Pit fighter
Arissa- The Wandering Rogue
Faction Pit Fighter ravels Add on
Character Creation Overhual
Spend Dragon Souls For Perks
Extra Encounters- Basic

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Becky Palmer
Posts: 3387
Joined: Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:43 am

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