Greetings Skyrim-moders,
please let me first introduce myself and give You some background info on my TES record before I express my request.
My first TES game was Oblivion. As I have grown with pen&paper rolegames I loved the open-world idea of TES and was overhelmed with the possibilities given in Oblivion.
I have started playing Skyrim on PS3 when the game was fresh released but stopped after having game breaking issues with the PS3 version.
Then I got a fine PC and decided to have a look into Morrowind before going back to Skyrim.
Surprisingly Morrowind got me so hooked that I'm stil playing it with countless MODs, additions and tweaks.
As years passed by and the comunity created countless bug-fixes and beautifull MODs for Skyrim I want to take a new chance on it.
I would like to ask You about some essential MODs for the bug-fixes, some nice graphic upgrades, roleplay overhauls etc.
Currently I look to to create a MOD list that fits my needs, maybe You can give me some suggestion on it later.
As I like the roleplay aspect over the action part of TES I wanted to base my MOD-list around a roleplay-overhaul like
I think
SkyUI and Immersive HUD
should be added.
I also should use all four Unofficial Patches.
Wanted to use some realism MODs like
Frostfall or Hypothermia
I like to use some basic needs MODS (like Thaddeus Necessities of Morrowind)
I would like to enhance the games graphics, add a lot of different creatures, armors, clothes and weapons, maybe a new follower.
What do You think?
Any hints or donots?
As I would like to start with a Nord character, ny quest/racial mod recommendations?
Thank You,