Ships moving in the distance, papyrus nab help needed! :)

Post » Sat Jun 07, 2014 4:34 pm

I want to create a few routes that are occasionally traversed by (uncrewed, simple) ships. These would go through the Sea of Ghosts and would have to be visible from a decent distance. I've tried to utilize pieces of script that I found in a great mod called Transportato by Trainwiz to see if I could make this happen. Something is wrong with this script though, I'd like for some trained eyes to look it over :smile:

I'm quite the noob when it comes to scripting, feel free to reprimand me on that. My abilities don't extend beyond copy+pasting and then fidgeting with scripts found elsewhere.

Scriptname ShipScript extends ObjectReference  {This ship will enable when the player comes close enough, sail its route, then disable.}ObjectReference Property Waypoint1  Auto  ObjectReference Property Waypoint2  Auto  ObjectReference Property Waypoint3  Auto  ObjectReference Property Waypoint4  Auto  ObjectReference Property Waypoint5  Auto  ObjectReference Property Waypoint6  Auto  int currentwaypoint = 0Int Property waypointnumbers  Auto  GlobalVariable Property hasbeenspawned  Auto  float Property speed autoEvent OnInit()	RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.5)EndEventEvent OnUpdate()	if(Game.GetPlayer().GetDistance(self) < 12000)		if(hasbeenspawned.getValue() == 0)			currentwaypoint = 1			hasbeenspawned.setValue(1)			enable(true)			MoveToMyEditorLocation()		endif	endifif((hasbeenspawned.GetValue())== 1)	if(waypointnumbers >= 1)		if(currentwaypoint == 1)			TranslateToRef(waypoint1, speed)		endif	endif	if(waypointnumbers >= 2)		if(currentwaypoint == 2)			TranslateToRef(waypoint2, speed)		endif	endif	if(waypointnumbers >= 3)		if(currentwaypoint == 3)			TranslateToRef(waypoint3, speed)		endif	endif	if(waypointnumbers >= 4)		if(currentwaypoint == 4)			TranslateToRef(waypoint4, speed)		endif	endif	if(waypointnumbers >= 5)		if(currentwaypoint == 5)			TranslateToRef(waypoint5, speed)		endif	endif	if(waypointnumbers >= 6)		if(currentwaypoint == 6)			TranslateToRef(waypoint6, speed)		endif	endifendifRegisterForSingleUpdate(0.5)EndEventEvent OnTranslationComplete()	currentwaypoint += 1EndEventEvent OnUnload()if((hasbeenspawned.GetValue())== 1)	MoveToMyEditorLocation()	hasbeenspawned.setValue(2)	currentwaypoint = 0	Disable(true)endifEndEvent 
The ship to which this script is attached appears in-game, but it doesn't move. Any help would be appreciated.

Kind regards,

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