Firstly, I haven't done the Civil War quest line and I'm on PS3 so the console command solution is not an option for me.
The problem: I'm at the point in the quest where I'm supposed to return to Eltrys and the guards send me to Cidhna Mine. Instead of 3 guards in the Shrine of Talos, there are two guards and Legate Emmanuel Admand. The Legate approaches me and proceeds to talk about the Imperial Legion and then he exits. The quest marker remains on the pillar behind the guard on the left. Speaking to either guard does nothing and I'm unable to get framed for the murder of Eltrys and advance the quest.
I've tried waiting inside, outside, and a combination of the two. I've tried doing another quest in Markarth and coming back only to still find the Legate approaching me. I've tried getting arrested and sent to jail and advance the quest from there but to no avail. I've also tried serving my sentence and going back to the Shrine but the Legate is still there.
I have no previous saves and I'm 67 hours into this character. Does anyone know of a fix or a workaround to get this quest to work properly?