I wasn't gonna post this because it's a silly game, but it has been bugging me for over a year that I can't remember what it was called. I used to play this a lot as a kid and even though I'd probably grow bored with it now within five minutes of playing, I can't stand the fact I don't remember the title. And then I saw this http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1502117-need-help-finding-a-game/ You guys are supposedly good at finding old games, so here's a challenge.
This is what I remember:
- I played this somewhere between 2000-2003
- You play a (tropical) fish in the ocean and the goal is to survive and not get eaten
- It was platform with sprites (none of this 3D nonsense
). The game had nine 'screens or levels' - three at the top (coral reef), three in the middle and three at the bottom (bottom of the ocean). By swimming to the edges, top or bottom of the screen one could move from screen/level to screen/level.
- It had a sort of 'story mode' where you start with the weakest fish (sardine I think). By finding enough food to eat (worms and plankton at first), avoid getting eaten by fish higher on the food chain and surviving long enough, you'd advance to the next level, which is a slightly stronger fish. Advancing also usually made the fish you were previously part of your menu but not always. Eventually you end up as a great white shark, but there were dozens of different fish to go through first. Bigger fish spotting you as prey would hunt you across the screens so you either had to swim fast and shake them off or hide in the dark crooks and nannies in the reef until they left.
- Each fish came with a sort of encyclopedia page detailing what kind of food it eats, what it's biggest enemies are and where its real life counterparts live on earth. Stuff like that.
- It also had an 'adventure mode' where you could just pick a fish from the list and swim and hunt and gorge yourself to your heart's content.
- I'm 95% sure it came on a CD-rom and not a floppy disk. It wasn't a demo.
- I still remember the tune of the intro music but I'm not gonna hum it for you guys, I'm not that desperate
- It was purely played with a mouse.
I've done a couple of google searches myself over the months but no luck so far So! Anyone any idea?