Weird snow piles

Post » Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:40 am

I have an issue with snow piles that look like this:

I use Better Dynamic Snow, No Snow Under the Roof, ETAC and Fresh Snow textures. Also all needed patches. Different load order and changing snow textures didnt help. What can it be?

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Post » Wed Jun 11, 2014 3:01 pm

You should try this !!! (That's from ETAC) [ ]

If you are experiencing any "odd mesh behavior" specifically things either appearing, or not appearing, or showing up in a giant pile blocking doors or roads or entire buildings... This can be resolved by installing any mesh-editing mods AFTER you've installed ETaC, let me see if I can dig up the original post. SO. Try the following:

#1: Start by getting somewhere completely unedited (like Whiterun), save and exit;
#2: Uninstall ETaC COMPLETELY. Double check your data folder to make sure that everything is gone.
All patches, main files, meshes/textures/sounds/etc., the .bsa, the .esm. So on and so forth.
Go to [whatever town this is happening in], and confirm everything is gone, back to normal,
right with the world. EXIT WITHOUT SAVING.
#4: Then uninstall any of the following: SMIM, WATER, Better Dynamic Snow, and/or ELFX.
#5: Re-install ETaC (please be sure you are using the most recent version.)
#6: Then re-install the following: SMIM, WATER, Better Dynamic Snow, and/or ELFX.
#7: Then then then... Re-install any of the ETaC Patches you were using.
#8: Load your save, go to [whatever town this is happening in]. Report back to me. lol.

If it's STILL not working after - Let me know. And by "let me know" I mean PM me your load order along with a couple screenshots and any other relevant information. Happy to help if I can.

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Post » Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:47 pm

Did you make sure you followed each snow mod author's directions for load order correctly? It definitely sounds like one or more of those snow mods is out of place OR incompatible with the others.

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Gemma Archer
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Post » Wed Jun 11, 2014 3:22 pm

I found solution. Its all about texture file. If texture is sterile, it looks like this:

If its slob (like this mod:

it looks like this:

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matt white
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