Sudden crash problem

Post » Wed Jun 11, 2014 4:48 am

Hello everyone,

My skyrim experience so far has been going great. No crashes at all and very fluid frame per second count.

Here's my mod list


= Check Mods
This is a report on your currently active/merged mods.

=== Active Mod Files:
* 00 Skyrim.esm
* 01 Update.esm
* 02 Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp [Version 2.0.3]
* 03 SkyUI.esp
* 04 Headtracking.esp
* 05 Unique Region Names.esp
* 06 BFT Ships and Carriages.esp
* 07 Point The Way.esp [Version 1.0.2]
* 08 Mark Books as Read.esp [Version 1.0.2b]
* 09 MinesOfSkyrim.esp
* 0A TheChoiceIsYours.esp
* 0B Immersive Weapons.esp
* 0C Cloaks.esp
* 0D Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp
* 0E Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
* 0F TCOSS.esp
* ++ Timescale5.esp
* 10 Bashed Patch, 0.esp

All of them are at their most recent versions, as far as i know (all checked for update about 3 weeks ago)

Now i have a problem that really starts to be annoying. I had my first totally random crash yesterday when playing in a dwemer ruin, the game just disappeared from my screen and i was on my desktop. Now it just did it again after entering a mine. It has not done it outside yet. Btw, my autosave is activated on travel, on outside/inside switch and on sleep. So far it has not caused me problems.

After my first crash, i decided to clean my save file with SKYRIM save cleaner. I thought it would help but now it still does it. I had no problem whatsoever before and i always had that load order since the 1st minute i played. I have not changed any graphic or settings in the game.

Any ideas ?

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Post » Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:12 am

Well, i had 2 crashes all of a sudden to the desktop. The thing is a haven't any mods installed.

The second time i loaded the same save it was okay...

On my second crash to the desktop, i had to load a previous save to fix that.

I don't know why that happens anyway. Now it's fine after hours of playing - maybe a coincidence.!!!

If your mods are working properly, maybe you should just load a earlier save and try with that. (You could just disable your auto-saves for a while)

It could be a background activity from a installed program on your PC, or an windows update that has crashed you game all of a sudden. !!!!


I wouldn't try those save cleaners, as they to more harm as good. :wink:

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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Wed Jun 11, 2014 5:09 am

What are your PC specs?

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Post » Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:09 pm

Actually, i disabled the autosave on travel feature, reloaded an earlier manual save instead of the autosaved file that was crashing over and over and went at the exact same places and after a couple of hours nothing else happened.

I always had problems with the autosaves in Oblivion and the more mods i had, the worse it was. I was only manually saving when my setup was complete and never had any problems after that.

My PC runs Windows 8.1 64 bits, a ATI 5760 HD card, a 2.4 ghz x 4 Q6600 processor, 8 gig of RAM and a SDD hard drive.

I was cleaning my saves from time to time in Oblivion and never had any problems. After a long time without cleaning though, i sometimes had problems. These games leave so much bloat in saves it's incredible. Luckily, dropped weapons are now part of corpses so that helps.

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kevin ball
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Post » Wed Jun 11, 2014 3:14 am

3,000+ hours in Skyrim, probably as much in Oblivion, and I've never had any problem with the autosaves... Bloated saves come with mods too. Mods bring more problems than anything else, especially if they are numerous.

As for crashes, I have one from time to time, generally on hitting the quicksave button, but none of these saves were corrupted. There's nothing to do about that.

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