I'm working on an overhaul of All Geared Up. I'm using armor pieces to show weapons, which are unequipped or equipped in the left hand, on the player character and using SKSE to set the model paths. This works for the most part, but bows and crossbows cause the game to CTD when equipping the armor using the models of those weapons. So if the armor uses the mesh for a bow like the Glass bow (\meshes\weapons\glass\glassbowskinned.nif), then the game CTDs as soon as the armor is equipped. All other weapons work just fine and their meshes can be used as the armor's model without any modifications to show unequipped weapons on the right-hand side.
I've been trying to figure out what in the mesh is causing the crashes, but I haven't been able to modify the mesh in such a way that the game doesn't crash or end up with a mesh that is invisible in-game. I would be grateful, if anyone could offer some insight as to why the meshes cause crashes or perhaps even a solution.