I figured it wouldn't really make sense to put this in the actual 'Beyond Skyrim' thread, as this topic is about the thread's function itself, not actually TES VI.
Anyway, my point is simple enough: the thread system for future game requests/ideas (for TES and indeed other games on here) is completely useless in its current form. People are simply talking in circles, retreading the same things ad nauseum because - quite understandably - they don't read back more than a few pages. It's impossible to carry out any meaningful conversation or get anywhere, because within a few days or so it just disappears into a heap of thousands of unorganized posts before it.
By having some kind of sub-forum, you create a system in which the most wanted and well-thought out ideas naturally thrive by virtue of their repeated bumping and the quantity of new threads they'd create. People would be casting a meaningful 'vote' of sorts by participating in the threads that interest them, which in turn allows for both meaningful discussions and for other people (including, one might hope, Bethesda employees from time to time) to take a quick look and see what's trending. In this way, the clear winning ideas would be immediately identifiable and the place might actually serve its function.
At the moment there's simply no way for any person to get an idea of what the more popular ideas are in the current single-thread, or to discuss it for more than a day or two before the next post effectively wipes the board clean again.