No music
No fast travel
Only carry a realistic carry amount. (ie 1 sword, 1 dagger, bow and no more than 50 arrows)
No health/stamina potions allowed. Only use food to heal and no healing mid battle.
No swimming in full suit of armour.
Walk when not in combat.
No carrying more than 200 gold at any one time. Use rings/gems to barter instead.
Camp at night, look for a suitable spot.
No using the local map
No looting enemies it makes no logical sense to loot ie Draughr.
Only pick up logical alchemy ingredients... so no carrying a giants toe in my pocket.
Use the appropriate weapon for enemy types, ie sledgehammers against dwemer bots.
Sheath weapons before actions ie lockpicking.
No 'waiting' to see what time it is. Look at the sky instead.