Adds the long lost Indoril Greaves to most of the Ordinators and adds a new helm, the Indoril Kabuto, as an open faced alternative. Also changes the rewards of Mysterious Killings at Vivec quest.
=================Details:================= Indoril GreavesWeight = 10Value =,600Health = 600Enchant Points = 2.0Armor Rating = 45Indoril KabutoWeight = 4Value = 2,800/1,400 if unconsecratedHealth = 400Enchant Points = 22.5Armor Rating = 40Unconsecrated Indoril HelmetWeight = 4.5Value = 1,500Health = 450Enchant Points = 22.5Armor Rating = 45Unconsecrated Indoril CuirassWeight = 27Value = 4,500Health = 1,350Enchant Points = 18.0Armor Rating = 45Also, the unconsecrated ones have the OrdinatorArmor script removed from them, and you can pick between three rewards open helm w/ armor, closed helm w/ armor and the Belt of the Armor of God. Changes the dialogue accordingly.Cleaned with tes3cmd