So, here is what I am attempting to do.
Creation a silver weapon with a base damage of 5, that does an extra 45 damage to undead/vampires/werewolves. I wanted to create a proc that did a extra 10 damage and set the npc on fire in silver flame, BUT i have sensed realized this is probably extremely beyond my ability as i bet it would take custom texturing or animation work, so I settled for dawnbreaker effect that turns undead but with out the fire explosion part. So I am left with a blade that in theory should be worthless to use in normal combat but great against undead werewolves vampires. (especially vampires lol)
I have just started modding, and i figured a weapon modification mod was probably the easiest place to start. Problem being is that I have looked at how the silver weapon works and I don't feel like the modifications strictly apply to undead because it is showing 60ish weapon damage in game right now. As far as I can tell the weapon works as such.
Weapon itself nothing special about it but has a script to add a perk called silverperk.
Silverperk is where the extra damage is applied typically this is "20" damage. I changed the value to be 45 from 20.
I added a custom enchant that procs the dawnbreaker turn greater undead proc and left out the explosion part of it.
My problem is its a bit hard to tell in game how much damage is REALLY being done and it seems like the sword is adding the perk value to the DPS meter, and honestly I can't find a statement that says the damage should only be applied if its undead in ether the perlk OR the script that applies it. Which of course I guess would mean that the silver weapon ALWAYS did extra 20 damage to anything but, could that be true? I have no idea. So I am frustrated and I need help. First planned mod to change weapons to be a bit more realastlic and interesting, and if i can't even get the silver weapon working not sure I have any hope for making daggers do less damge to undead or increasing critical chance for maces against robots lol.