Quest problem... and texture

Post » Tue Jun 17, 2014 3:41 pm

I'll start off with the quest problem. First of all, I just finished cleaning out my dirty files on both master and modded files, so not sure if that can make a difference. Other than that, I'm not sure why this quest dialogue isn't working.

Into brief description, I replaced the female nord in Bleakfalls to a typical ex bandit treasure hunter that destroys her other comrade by the time the Player reaches the scene. This quest only has 0, 10, 20, 30, and 200. 200 is the quest failure if she dies. Anyway, the starting up dialogue for the quest has a total of 5 topic discussions altogether. The 5th dialogue box is when GetOwningQuest is activated, along with its stage. The very first dialogue had both the NPC name and SetStage <10. I put the quest item at the very end of Bleakfall and the ending results will turn the NPC into a follower, the first introduction of a companion to the player as they start the game (Unless of course they skip The Golden Claw, which is impossible if you're following the main storyline quest)

Long story short, the dialogue isn't showing and I'm talking to start up. I've came across these issues a few times in the past, whether typo error or voice type choice, but those options are both covered. She's a FemaleEvenToned and I have no typo errors. I even removed the AI Package FollowPlayer, which is a condition that's suppose to happen when the player agrees to help her and she follows that player. Not sure if there's a script for that or not rather than relying on package, but I can't find anything.

Lastly, textures keep showing black every once and a while. Like the NPC has no color on the torso when it comes to bandit fur coats or studded armors. I'm wondering if my clean up effected the textures in a way.

Other than that, those are my issues.

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Kara Payne
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