I recently edited Colette Marence to be a Master trainer instead of an Expert one, however the change did not 'take'. I tested with a character that had never been to see her before, as well as one that already has, and in both cases it thinks she's still Expert-tier. I tried changing her TrainerType value from 2 to 3, as suggested in a topic about such edits in general, to no avail, and also tried disabling and then re-enabling the mod in question.
About the only thing I can think of at this point i that I overran some hidden limit to the allowed number of Master trainers for a given skill (it says I have three, including the guy from Dawnguard), however I couldn't find anything related thereto in the Settings list. I have not yet tried downgrading one of the other two, lest I screw something else up in the process, however I suspect that it wouldn't matter.