With the forum help, I was able to install nexus and skse. Had trouble with the skse install but after a few youtube tutorials, it seems to be working now.
Which brings me to my questions...
So I have nexus manager and have dl'ed some mods using said manager. Using the skse launcher, most of the mods work, BUT some, makes the game crash after loading the opening logo of the game. So I disable mods that cause crashes and all seems good. Maybe I'm doing something wrong with these mods that cause crashes?
Also, just recently found out about steam workshop. So I also "subscribed" to some of these mods and they also seem to work well, for now. Question, does loading mods from steam workshop conflict with mods from nexus?
Like there are skyui both in nexus and workshop, I use the workshop one and so far it seems to work... so which one should I actually use?
More questions, I'm sure, later