Last thread was coming to close. Anyone like the clothing? I have the cat shirt on.
Huh, this update ain't too shabby. It's different from the over the top super cars and constant suits we've been getting (although the hipster clothes aren't my thing, it's something). They added a lot of cool vehicles that you can just buy from the website instead of having of having to go on a scavenging hunt for it. Was able to buy the Tailgater and they even added Trevor's Blazer to Online which is awesome. I like some of the actual new vehicles as well like the Warrener and Glendale. Still wanting to try the Pigalle.
The Calvary knife looks deadly cool, and although the pistol isn't as damaging as the heavy pistol or .50, its aesthetically unique (no surprise coming from a hipster update).
Again, I didn't bother with the bizarre clothing.