My question:
I have SKSE properly installed (I
I have NMM up and running with some problems of crashing but from replies from my previous post, I think I need to install BOSS to "load order" my mods in the right sequence to avoid-minimize crashes... right?
Also I read that I should NOT mix workshop mods with nexus mods... a lot of conflicts in this particular subject with ppl saying don't mix and some saying it's ok... confusion on my part... so mix the mods from workshop and nexus or not?
There is a workshop mod called FOE that I am trying to get to work but it just would not. The game seems stable even with the FOE mod on but not really doing what it's suppose to. If I can't mix mods from workshop and nexus, where do I get a mode like FOE since I can't find it on nexus?
Since I don't have BOSS installed atm, do I have to "clean" (as in take out/ disable all the mods before installing BOSS)? Or can I just install BOSS and it will fix my mods "load order"? Using nexus, is there a command like "reset" to "clean" the game of mods to start fresh or do I have to manually delete/disable all of them if I need to?
Since I'm at it, so nexus NMM, SKSE, BOSS anything else aside from the "mods" itself that I need to install?
I'm sure I have more questions but for now any help on these issues would be great. An I do watch the youtube vid and scan the forums but advice from users in a forum seems to give me more answers...