No lip for these goodbyes

Post » Fri Jun 20, 2014 5:36 am

I've spent all day making, cutting, editing, converting, adding dialogue for actors. I'm on my 4th merchant with custom dialogue, all other 3, 2 Khajiit and 1 Argonian work perfect so I know what I'm doing. Just have this 1 actor that for no reason I can see won't use her goodbyes. She "lips" her merchant dialogue but at the end, well take a look...

I've remade the .lip again and again, checked the file name of the .wav, .xwm and .lip so that they are all the same. She has 3 possible goodbyes all are checked random, goodbye and has lip file. I've used TES5Edit to remake .seq file a couple of times too. Her dialogue setup is no different than the other merchant actors, none that I can see after an hour checking and re-checking,

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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Fri Jun 20, 2014 5:42 am

Scratch that, for inexplicable reason, well one I don't know, after I ran through the day "set gamehour to xx", she was walking home, I set the hour back to her work time, she returned to her stall and now she "lips". CK never fails to p**s me off, I mean amaze me.

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matt oneil
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