Hi everyone - how are you all doing? It's been quite awhile since I last visited these forums and I hope you'll be able to help me. Once more, the Elder Scroll bug has bit me - and yet I have a new desire when it comes to creating characters. I have a desire to try my hand at Oblivion as well as Skyrim as a Nord Mage (who may or may not *cough*willindeed*cough* practice necromancy) - having been inspired by one of the greatest human mages and wizards of Tamriel, Archmage Shalidor of the First Era - a Nord. In fact, reading about Shalidor and all the lore we currently have available about him has me interested in the Nords, a race who in all honesty, I wasn't too fascinated with until now.
However, I'm afraid I'm a bit stuck when it comes to finding suitable names for Nordic characters. I know that Nord Names are Scandinavian, at least according to various sources, but is it solely Scandinavian names? Or are there any points I'm not understanding in terms of Nord names? Any and all advice will be greatly appreciate, and I thank you all for your time.