Once again, I'm coming to the forum for help on a script. This time I need a script which disables an object at night and the enables it in the morning. HOWEVER, I don't just want the object to blink out in front of the player. I want it to scale down and then disappear (disable). But if the player is far enough away, then the object can just disable/enable. I tried throwing a couple scripts together from the Scripting for Dummies guide, but as usual it's being ineffectual in game.
Any help, please?
Begin AZ_scr_disable_nightfloat directionfloat currscalefloat tempscaleif ( MenuMode ) returnendifif ( GameHour > 19 ) if ( GameHour < 6 ) if ( GetDisabled == 1 ) Return else if ( GetDistance > 600 ) disable elseif ( GetDistance <= 600 ) set direction to -1 endif endif endifelseif ( GameHour <= 19 ) if ( GameHour >= 6 ) if ( GetDisabled == 0 ) Return else if ( GetDistance > 600 ) enable elseif ( GetDistance <= 600 ) set direction to 1 endif endif endifendifif ( direction != 0 ) set tempscale to .3 * GetSecondsPassed set tempscale to tempscale * direction ModScale tempscale set currscale to GetScale if ( direction == -1 ) if ( currscale <= .5 ) set direction to 0 disable endif else if ( currscale >= 1 ) set direction to 0 enable endif endifendifend
Help! Please!