While Bethesda has probably moved onto their next game, I think this would make an interesting mod idea.
Of course... you could just make a save game at the very beginning of your hero's journey and start again once you feel like it?
I don't think its possible because of how Skyrims save files store data...
However, and easy way to do this yourself would just be create the same character again..
and they are do0ne adding content to Skyrim
NEVER going to happen, EVER. SKYRIM is DONE, COMPLETELY. Bethesda will NEVER touch Skyrim again except to put it in some sort of special collection like the annivery edition.
as i said, I don't think such a thing would be possible because of the way Skyrim save files store their data
NOPE, they have said skyrim is DONE it will not be edited AT ALL, EVER AGAIN.
On PC, http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9557/? gave me enough time to set the character up again and with http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48375/? I had the means to document how he ended up back in the beginning.
Shortly after however, I got bored -nothing to do with the game. It's just that after 3000 hours, I feel I'm done.