I've got enough to do with modding the existing games. I am looking forward to Open MW more than TES VI. I am mostly playing modded Oblivion right now, and in a year or two if that gets old, I may play Skyrim again, this time modded. I loved FO3, but have not finished it yet and still have not played my copy of FO:NV. I have limited spare time and with mods and a couple of other games I am playing by other developers (FE:LH and Borderlands), I have plenty to keep me busy for the time being.
I imagine I will buy TES 6 when it comes out, but I may or may not buy it on release day. For me, the best thing about TES is the ability to change the game Bethesda developed into something that suits your own personal tastes. Beth makes good games, but they make incredibly awesome modding platforms.