Frostmere Crypt Word Wall

Post » Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:25 pm

I just finished the Pale Lady quest and when I went to the word wall near the exit, I couldn't get the shout to unlock. I looked it up and saw it was the next part of Ice Form (one I actually one, go figure). I can hear the chanting when I approach the wall and the wind that normally rushes around the word is there, but the word itself isn't really glowing; it's basically just a light blue color. I was just curious to know if anyone knows of a fix or work around, or if they know what caused this. I have a save prior to entering the room, but I'd really rather not have to reload any further than that.

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Deon Knight
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Post » Wed Jun 25, 2014 5:12 am

Exiting the game and trying again, or relaoding a previous save is the fix you want.
Sometimes you even have to clear your Xbox cache.

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