This is my first post on the forums, so hi!
I’m working on a companion/quest mod tentatively titled ‘Into The Void’. My main inspirations are Qarl’s ‘The Underground II’ and Kateri’s ‘Julan Kaushibael’ mods which introduced living, breathing characters with their own personalities, mannerisms and habits into the game.
The aims of the project are (in order of priority I’m giving them):
- Creating companions who will have in-depth, thought-provoking conversations with you. Companions with their own personalities, stories, habits and odd quirks – companions who you’ll miss if/when they’re gone
- Creating a cool, unusual storyline which has twists and turns you (hopefully) won’t see coming
- Creating a very covert organisation you can join and even lead at some point. Hopefully I can build some moral/ethical dilemmas into this
- Making a nice Daedric-themed house as an end-quest reward (there aren’t too many Daedric house mods that I know of)
- Enhancing compatibility with other mods (this really just means minimising changes to the pre-existing game-world itself)
I don’t want to give too much away but I’ve started work on the two companions, so here is a bit about them:
- Sabrina Cortician, an Imperial adventurer with a severe case of culture cringe, an odd hatred of the Imperial Legion, and a penchant for writing awful poetry (among other things). If I can find a good flute/woodwind instrument model and a decent sound recorder, I might be able to get her to play you some flute music too!
- Belial, an excessively morbid dremora lord (seriously, if you thought Umbra was depressing, this guy will have philosophical debates with you about the futility of existence)
This is my first mod and it’s already been such a steep learning curve learning to do…basically everything. But I’ve already got a lot done, including the initial ‘will you be my companion?’ quests, the end boss fights, a handful of miscellaneous quests, complete commentaries on the Mages Guild and Morag Tong questlines, and tonnes of other dialogue.
I'd attach a few screenshots of some interiors I've made for the mod but, and this is sort of embarassing, I don't actually know how...I got a page saying I was forbidden from posting links last time I tried. But that's ok - the interiors aren't anything special.
So that’s it! Feel free to ask questions or check how it’s coming along. From time to time I might post updates or ask you all for advice.