Hi, my game ran PERFECTLY without mods on. I go to download some mods and then everything goes to hell. First my game crashes on startup, I fix it, then it crashes on save anywhere beyond 30 seconds running away from Springvale. What do I do?
My mods are as follows:
[x]Fallout3.esm 00
[x]Anchorage.esm 01
[x]ThePitts.esm 02
[x]Streetlights.esm 03
[x]BrokenSteel.esm 04
[x]PointLookout.esm 05
[x]Zeta.esm 06
[x]DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm 07
[x]Ez0n3_Fallout3_MyMansion.esm 08
[x]Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm (ufo3p for short) 09
[x]ufo3p-anchorage.esp 0a
[x]ufo3p-pitt.esp 0b
[x]ufo3p-Steel.esp 0c
[x]ufo3p-lookoutl.esp 0d
[x]ufo3p-zeta.esp 0e
[x]Ez0n3_Fallout3_MyMansion_Update.esp 0f
[x]UndergroundHideout.esp 10
[x]Fellout-Full.esp 11
[x]100% Force Lock Chance.esp 12
[x]MiniHideout.esp 13
I downloaded Fallout 3 Unofficial Patch but the installer cannot finish downloading, so I do not know if all my ufo3p stuff is valid. Please pay careful attention to the load order, as i noticed some things that may be issues in it. the primary things i am looking for here are A) What is the proper load order? Are there any mods here that are incompatible with another? C)Do I need to make a merged patch?