I'm going to have to give my opinion to the Stormcloaks. A lot of you may disagree but I have great reasons why. Occasionally you encounter an NPC quoting "Ulfric murdered the High King".. Not necessarily.. He defeated Torygg he challenged him in a Nord style duel and won fair and square. Next, The Empire states they will wait until they're strong enough to start the next Great War against the Dominion. Thing is, The Empire are wrapped around the Thalmors finger and hung like a puppet by them. They are allowed to do anything they want to worshippers of Talos and The Empire knows this they are not happy with it but the Thalmor are outsmarting them they are killing TONS of Skyrim citizens leaving none to fight the next Great War. Ulfric on the other hand hates the Thalmor/Aldmeri Dominion and if he were High King of Skyrim he would crush the Thalmor and their so-called "Embassy". I happen to like elves especially Altmer but have a deep in-game hate for the Thalmor I personally kill any Thalmor Justiciars I come across. I support Ulfric Stormcloak because if he were the High King of Skyrim it would be an aggressive independent place not having to worry about other races coming in trying to take control of the Nords homeland and if the Dminion ever did try to start a war with Ulfric they could actually have a chance to win because citizens wouldn't be getting killed or imprisoned by worshipping Talos therefore leaving more soldiers for Skyrim to fight.