Hello all!
I'm not actually new to the forums, I just lost the contact information to my old account . . .
Anyway, I typically play a Bosmeri spellsword-type character. I love the combination of stealth, light armor, marksman, melee combat with a shortsword or dagger, coupled with the regenerative prowess of Restoration. Such characters may be more of a "Paladin" due to the Restoration and fact that I typically seek to uphold justice with such characters.
However! ("This valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified!" *ahem . . .*) I was seeking to mix it up a bit with my second most-favored race, the Orc. I am very much interested in the concept of a "pure" playstyle for added challenge. In this case, an Orc who would rather trust the steel of his hammer and shield than the cheap tricks of conjurers and mages . . . Therefore, with a "pure" warrior playstyle, due to a bit of prejudice, enchanting and alchemy would be out. Alchemy is, perhaps, forgivable, as it doesn't necessarily involve "magic", but rather one could look at it as someone brewing a potent tea for the added health benefits. Perhaps, if my Orc (Urdnok Gro-Khashnar) utilizes Alchemy, he won't develop the perk tree.
So! I have a few questions:
1) Given the stereotypical "pure" warrior playstyle, do you guys think either enchanting or alchemy are permissible?
2) If an Orc would not trust mere mortals and their magical tricks, could he trust a Daedric artifact such as Spellbreaker? The power is handed down from on high as opposed to the mere mortal realm; could it be more trustworthy?
3) What sort of defenses, aside from Spellbreaker, Elemental Protection (shield perk), the Agent of Mara perk, and the Lord Stone bonuses, could one use to protect against magic? ( I see magic as being the most threatening danger later on in-game if I were to have no magical defenses )
4) Is the "pure" warrior playstyle possible with a high difficulty setting? What are your guys' experiences with this?
Edit: To touch on a bit more of the RPG side of things, Urdnock is a bit of a "witchhunter", so to speak. He values justice, righteousness, and the protection of innocent mortal lives. He is distrusting of the magic arts, for he has seen them turn so many into power-hungry totalitarian monsters. He'd rather trust his own will and constitution. He originally hailed from an Orcish stronghold, but realized that he did not approve of the societal practices his Chief often abused. He isn't one for polygamy, nor for unwarranted violence; the tradition that only a chief can reproduce, and a son must kill his father in order to become chief, depressed him and eventually forced him to flee the stronghold and venture abroad. Eventually, he'd come to side with the Stormcloaks during the Stormcloak Rebellion as, no matter how "important" the perceived integrity of the empire may be, Urdnok simply cannot justify supporting a regime that would oppress an entire people by outlawing the worship of Talos.
Possible Major/Minor skills:
Heavy Armor
Thank you guys for all of your thoughts and wisdom!