Okay so I've looked on every site, forum, wiki, and help page I can find and I still haven't made any progress so this is my last hope here. I'm having an issue starting the quest "The Dainty Sload" for the Thieves Guild. When I talk to Delvin he says he has a special job for me, he tells me I have to see Erikur in Solitude etc etc and then when the conversation should end and the quest should trigger nothing happens except I get the dialog option to ask Delvin about the special job he just told me about (I know it's the same job because it's the only one I qualify to start). Regardless of hitting the dialog option or just backing out of the conversation Delvin will just repeat the line about me making waves and people talking about the guild again and how he has a special job for me. I can no longer even talk to him about anything as he will just repeat this line forever so now I can't start the quest but I also can never talk to Delvin again for anything else. Does anyone know anything I can do to at the very least be able to talk to delvin again so I can at least do other quests and if possible actually be able to do this one?
Here is what I've tried so far.
1) No previous saves to load so that is not an option
2) set stage tgtq02 0, 10, 20, and 200 separately none of which work as the quest never even activates
3) Kill and resurrect delvin, he just continues to repeat his line
4) Disable and enable, same as above
5) Disable, enable, kill, resurrect, same result,
6) Complete quest tgtq02, completes the quest but no one in the thieves guild or Erikur ever recognize it, delvin repeats his line still
7) Steps 3-5 again after using the complete quest code, no results
8) resetting the game, nothing
9) zoning, nothing, actually makes it worse because he disappears completely
10) waiting, nothing,
11) begging the game to just work, nothing.
So if anyone has any help or advice I could use it because I'm at a loss, I'm starting to think it'd be easier to just give up on the guild all together. I swear 80% of my skyrim time is spent trying to fix this games innumerable bugs I'm getting sick of it.