RP-build: Wildling

Post » Tue Jul 01, 2014 2:48 pm

So, i've got this idea for my next playthrough, coming from Game of Thrones' "Freefolk".

The basic idea is that this is a Nord free man.
Light, mostly fur armor. Double axes, and two-handed spear (I use Skyre). A bit of alchemy, just some primitive potions. Shortbow+Sneak for ambushes pre-fight, not for typical assasin-style. He charges head-on.
Simple smithing for learther-fur stuff, and traps (Wayfarer)
Also focusing on survival: iNeed + Frostfall.
Main area would be the harsh cold North.
No magic except for enchanted stuff found while looting.

This guy will not tolerate the law nor any authority over himself. Thus, his source of income and food will be hunting, burglary, armed robbery and village raiding (cities can prove tough with the guards who use crowssbows, and due to their numbers and my level of difficulty).

Dragonborn or not?: however that will happen. I use "Live another Life" so, will just see if he will learn that about himself. Eventually if he learns Shouts, that could help a lot in higher-level fighting, + speech perk tree from Skyre will help improve their power.

Will probably not use gold as currency.

Will create a camp with those who would like to follow me somewhere in the wilderness: mods for that are the one that lets you create a guild and HQ for it + Hidden Hideouts.
And my point of creating this thread is this question:

1. I would like to have at least two followers. What mods do i need to use for that?

2. Is there a mod mimicking the Warg power (transmitting your conscience to a chosen animal and controlling it, while being stationary yourself)
Found the mod, but it includes tons of other content i don't want. I just want only such power.
I guess will have to replace that idea with being a werebear or something.
Oh the blessing of playing TES on PC.

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Laura Richards
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Post » Tue Jul 01, 2014 7:48 am

Would also enjoy getting any tips or suggestions for this character :)

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Austin Suggs
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Post » Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:25 am

Another obvious thing could be knowing how to read or not.
But that could be challenging to pull off, and a bit annoying to always remind yourself.

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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:25 am

I'm currently playing a similar build to this, a wild orc that roams the wilds for survival. He doesn't collect any gold or enter any cities, just scavenges what he needs from dungeons. He doesn't loot bodies or anything dead either, for that extra challenge. I have to say, It's been really fun so far!

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