we all know ulfric will lose one way or another...so do you think ulfric could win if his fangirls *magically* got placed in his army? discuss.
we all know ulfric will lose one way or another...so do you think ulfric could win if his fangirls *magically* got placed in his army? discuss.
Considering that he's capable enough to force the Empire into an unbreakable stalemate, its possible that he could win the war in the right circumstances (assuming you mean the Civil War).
Ulfric could if He did escape Helgen alive.
1. The actions of Honorable Clan Battle-Born in Whiterun could have very Public consequences. Jarl Balgruuf could easily be knocked off of the fence with Skyforge Steel.
2. A Thief realising that a Trapdoor below the Thalmor Embassy exists may uncover the Kidnapping of Nords in direct violation of the White-Gold Concordiat.
Delphine and Ulfric are on a first name basis, Esbern being alive and in a location known by the Thalmor in Riften could make life very short for Thalmor Death Squads entering the Ratway.
3. An Adventurer admits to performing a "favor" for the Imperial supporting Jarl in Falkreath.
4. Markarth could be taken either way, and is dependant on the Speech Skill of the Individual that gets stuck by stopping Murder in the Streets of Markarth. Killing Madenach is not necessary to force a change of the current Jarl of Markarth.
5. Morthal has a very valuable asset, a Young, Fertile and Single Daughter that is next in line to becoming Jarl. Nord and Noble Birth, touched by the Divines with managable visions!
6. Because Ulfric has the Right of it.
7. There is the small fact that enough Dragons could take offense at the Thalmor plans of unmantling Bormahu to act against Alduin directly.