Your "Ultimate" Ideas For Each Race

Post » Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:10 am

Regardless of what races you've played in Skyrim, what are some of your ideas for the "ultimate" way to play them? I'll list mine and let me say that I do let some racial abilities and preferences sway my RP ideas for them. You can list characters you're run, are running, have deleted, hope to run or whatever you think would be best for them. Add as much detail as you like (name, ultimate gear, playstyle, objectives, etc.)

Altmer-Sakira Daemona (female). I've run her once and plan to do it again. She was almost a pure mage, favoring Thunderbolt but also other shock spells but she would also use Denature, an Absorb Health-enchanted Daedric Greatsword whenever she needed health. She wore the darkest Vampire Armor and Daedric Gauntlets and Boots, enchanted for infinite Destruction. Her main goal was to complete the College of Winterhold questline and explore the lands, selling any magical or enchanted item she could find. Sakira is a very personal character for me because I base her off a succubus demon idea I have for a story I hope to write someday.

Argonian-Syleena Emerald-Green (female). I hope to create her soon. Glass equipment and Glass Greatsword. Not joining any guilds or factions, just out to explore Skyrim/Solstheim, making money as a jeweler and seller of light items.

Dezz Dragunaard (male). Ran him once, maybe again someday. Dragonscale gear, Dragonbone Sword, Destruction. Basically a spellsword hoping to take full advantage of his dragon heritage. Wants to learn all the Shouts (especially loves breathing fire) and hoard as many Dragon Souls as possible. Kills Alduin only to prove himself the better dragon.

Bosmer-Nerryn Villandrys (male). I've run him once and plan to do it again. Basically Leather gear (minus helm) and Elven Bow with Elven Arrows. He would also carry an Elven Dagger as a side. Might just be an explorer, not aligning himself with any guilds.

Breton-Cyra (female). Ran once, maybe again someday. She was by far my highest level character at 101. I had her mastered with every Armor/Combat/Destruction/Crafting skill and really couldn't figure out what to do with her. At first I was inspired by the Demon Hunter from Diablo 3 and gave her Leather gear and Bound Bow. Then I made her as a Borderlands Siren with enchanted Tavern Clothes and various enchanted crossbows, with Slow Time as her "Action Skill". Did Companions/Dragonslayer/College of Winterhold questlines.

Dunmer-Reaver (male). Current character. Leather Armor, Morag Tong Hood, Stormcloak Officer Bracers/Boots, Fire/Shock enchanted Daedric Sword/Greatsword/Dagger, some Destruction spells or Bound Bow. Goes through Thieves Guild but only to get Skeleton Key. Might do Dark Brotherhood. Joins Stormcloaks just to get the Officer gear. Explore all of Solstheim, read every Black Book, explore Skyrim and sell anything anything of value. Kind of a jack of all trades who will do anything for a Septim.

Imperial-Demarest Damascus (male). Ran twice, perhaps again some day. Steel Plate gear, Skyforge Steel Greatsword and Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow. Completes Companions and Dragonslayer questlines. Scours Skyrim for valuable gear to Smith.

Khajiit-Shadowpaw (male). Ran once, perhaps again someday. Guildmaster Armor, Ebony Bow/Arrows, Ebony Dagger. Just wants to run Guild jobs and loot as much as possible.

Nord-I've done several of these, might just be one of my favorite races. Katla Quicksilver (female). Ran twice, perhaps again some day. Scaled gear, Nordic Waraxe/Shield Battleaxe/Bow/Arrows. Completes Companions/Dragonslayer/Dragonborn questlines. Explores all of Skyrim, picking up and smithing only equipment she feels Nords would use.

Wysteria Winterblade (female). Current character. Ancient Nord gear, Nord Hero Sword/Battleaxe, Nordic Warhammer, Destruction. She is a spellsword with mostly the same objectives as Katla. Bigelow Bear (male). This is basically a silly character, based off another character I have that really needs a story. Nordic gear, Nordic Warhammer, maybe Destruction. His only quest in existence is to consume as much alcohol as he can find, buy or steal.

Orcimer-Hargruff Hard-Hammer (male). Really hope to do this one soon. Ebony gear, Ebony Warhammer. Not sure what quests he will do but he plans to make money being a heavy armorsmith.

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victoria johnstone
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