Unlock Any Lock Without Lockpick Breaking!

Post » Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:48 am

Tired of Lockpicks breaking, and your nowhere near the 100 Lockpicking skill needed to make lockpicks unbreakable?

This is for you...


1. If you have not joined the Theives Guild, go ahead and do so by talking to Brynjolf at the plaza in Riften.

2. Do all of the missions given by Brynjolf, Mercer Frey, and eventually Karliah.

3. Once you find out Mercer has betrayed the guild, you go to Irkngthand to find Mercer.

4. At Irkngthand, after you find Mercer, you are to kill him.

5. After Mercer is dead, go loot his body. You can take his weapon, some gold, Both Eyes Of The Falmer(only 1 is needed), and the Skeleton Key.

6. Karliah tells you to take the Eye of The Falmer to Delvin, and the Key back to Nocturnal.

7. You can take the Eye to Delvin, but keep the key. The key is an unbreakable lockpick. Use they key to pick any locks until you reach level 100 lockpicking skill and get unbreakable lockpicks, you can ten, return the key.

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Stephani Silva
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Post » Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:04 pm

Yep, the sad thing is, there is no way to complete the quest and keep the key. It will remain in your journal. I do wish there was the option of "Yea, I will be keeping that thank you very much, you can keep your reward".

One would think the head of the guild could keep the thing.

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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Wed Jul 02, 2014 4:47 am

I use Derkeethus. Idky but he's glitched with container-locks. He can unlock any container (including those which requires a key)... Then there's the glitch where ANY FOLLOWER can unlock any locked non-cell door just by giving them some lockpicks and pushing them through the door...

So basically... Derkeethus unlocks about 95% of the locks for me.

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Lexy Dick
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