I have been thinking...(Attention: SKYRIM PC Fans)

Post » Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:37 pm

about getting Skyrim for PC but I'm doing researcrh to help determine if its worth it. (Note: I own skyrim for xbox 360) I have heard and seen so many cool things you can do with mods to enhance the depth of gameplay, this is what has grabbed my attention to consider it more lately. So I need help from you all to guide me to tell me about the Pros and Cons; and tell me the differences you experience yourselves.

So heres some questions to this off.

1. How do the controls feel with keyboard and mouse, should I get a controller?

2. Save Files-I have 3 different profiles on my 360 playing different play styles(Harddrive, Flashdrive, and the cloud. So I dont have a messy list of save files and dont have to look carefully to look at character names so dont oversave something I dont want to) and playback for stupid mistakes made in past due to not enough frequent saves/sep save files. Any way I can do something similar to this on PC so I may be not limited to one character and not have a horde of save files.

3. Are mods worth it alone?

4. Can my PC handle it? (including the many mods I will want if I do buy for PC-especially for increasing graphics)

PC Specs. AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series

Processor: Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz


(I dont know if theres anything that should be mentioned, not much of tech savvy on these kind of things but am slowly learning)

5. Should I buy skyrim from a store or steam? Am I limited on mods if I buy from steam or can I still go to sites like nexusmods.com?

Also feel free to ask any questions related to Skyrim to help on topic!

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Post » Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:19 pm

i'kll answer your questions..

1) I prefer the Keyboard.. but thats because I've been a PC gamer since the mid 90s.. if it feels unnatural to you, you can plug in a wired XBOX360 controller, or most generic gamepads and use it instead

2) in the PC version, you can give your save files names to help distinguish them from one another through a console-command

3) varies from person to person, some people love mods, while others do not..

4) yeah, your PC should play it just fine

5) depends on which is cheaper.. even if you buy it from a store, you will still need to install and launch the game from Steam, as it is a Steam title.. and yeah, any mods from nexus will work.. do some research, you could wait and pick up Skyrim from Steam while its on sale, find it in a local stores bargain bin, order it from Amazon, etc.. you will just need to research yourself what the best deal is financially

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Post » Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:50 pm

As someone who recently moved from 360 to PC:

1. Personally I prefer the controller, as the anolog stick makes movement more fluid.

2. Yes. It's acutally easier, I think. Just make different folders for different characters and switch them around. You can even name specific saves through the console. If you plan on using mods, I recommendhttp://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1334/? to sort them and the mods used on each specific save.

3. Yes. Yes they are. They add so much to the game it's like you're playing it all over again as a brand new game. Frostfall alone was enough to give me that feeling.

4. http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1472493-unofficial-will-my-pc-run-skyrim-thread-63/ That's what it's for and where someone recommended a PC to me. :D

5. You're going to have to run it through Steam regardless, so it's up to you. You can get mods from Nexus regardless of where you get it.

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