I have a weird bug where suddenly NPCs from http://erkeilmods.altervista.org/skyrim/populated-cities-towns-villages-rs-relliosavini/ and Guards and Soldiers in Solitude (starting only the ones near Castle Dour and then everyone of them afterward) start attacking me. I don't know why this happened. I didn't get caught when I killed that guy in Castle Dour. I am doing Dark Brotherhood quests and trying to impersonate a cook (if you know what I mean).
Honestly, I don't care what caused it, but I can't seem to find any console commands to fix it. Anyone have an solutions other than searching for an old save where this doesn't happen?
Edit: Bah! Nevermind. I solved my problem with the Imperial Soldiers by killing one of them. He must have been alarming the others. I killed him with no witnesses.