I'm no programmer, so I can't say how difficult this would be, but what I can say is that without something like this, changing the colours of things defined in Morrowind.ini is a huge pain in the rear. I have to open an RGB colour picker, type every value defined in the INI to see what the colour is, then adjust, and retype it back into the INI. After this, if I want to tweak it again, I have to do this process all over again, which is extremely tedious and boring.
An editor with this functionality would save myself and countless others much time and make it significantly easier to tweak things like weather, & GUI, and as a result make modding easier, likely resulting in more and better mods. At the very least, it would make making these mods much easier, fun, and rewarding.
Anyways, everytime an INI editor comes along, this is never one of it's features, and after years of wishful thinking and doing it the hard way, I thought I'd just voice my request in it's own thread.
So, is this doable?