I did a a clean install recently (fixed the lip-sync ), and everything is fine except the hands. For some reason, they're a shade lighter than the rest of the body. I don't have any body mods, and I'm not sure it has anything to do with a shader. A slight seam is visible at certain angles. Any ideas?
Load order:
- Skyrim.esmCRC: C665FD56
- Update.esmCRC: E5B67BDAAdd: Delev, Relev
- Warning: Contains 92 ITM records and 3 UDR records. Clean with http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859.
- Unofficial Skyrim Patch.espCRC: FB709557Version: 2.0.4aAdd: Delev, Names, Relev, Stats
- Dawnguard.esmCRC: BD72CCF3Add: Delev, Relev
- Warning: Contains 619 ITM records, 82 UDR records and 57 deleted navmeshes. Clean with http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859.
- Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.espCRC: 4FC896F3Version: 2.0.4Add: Delev, Names, Relev, Stats
- HearthFires.esmCRC: AF82CE6A
- Warning: Contains 184 ITM records, 11 UDR records and 5 deleted navmeshes. Clean with http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859.
- Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.espCRC: 77F63482Version: 2.0.4Add: Names
- Dragonborn.esmCRC: A9F83BFF
- Warning: Contains 61 ITM records, 8 UDR records and 1 deleted navmeshes. Clean with http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25859.
- Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.espCRC: 8B14CDEDVersion: 2.0.4aAdd: Delev
- ClimatesOfTamriel.esmCRC: 918881A7Version: 3.1
- HighResTexturePack01.espCRC: D596F02A
- HighResTexturePack02.espCRC: D596F02A
- HighResTexturePack03.espCRC: D596F02A
- Unofficial High Resolution Patch.espCRC: 3BE2E4A3Version: 1.1.7
- SkyUI.espCRC: 9330CAF7Version: 4.1
- dD - Enhanced Blood Main.espCRC: 7AFD4E3E
- staticmeshimprovementmod-part3.espCRC: F17F9BE4
- SFO - Expanded Diversity.espCRC: 21631A9B
- Note: Uninstall old version of Skyrim Flora Overhaul if using SFO - Expanded Diversity.esp
- dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.espCRC: FE5C3763
- WetandCold.espCRC: 1EDF3DB6Version: 1.41
- WetandCold - Ashes.espCRC: 1D2561D2Version: 1.08
- WetandCold - Holidays.espCRC: 3882A497Version: 1.06
- staticmeshimprovementmod-part4.espCRC: FA28D596
- Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.espCRC: 9229A0B4
- Immersive Weapons.espCRC: E41D31DAdd: Delev, Relev
- Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espCRC: 2A9F7DEDVersion: 7.1Add: Delev, Relev
- Unique Uniques.espCRC: 3296C8B6Version: 1.6Add: Graphics
- Destructible_bottles.espCRC: DF07E0DF
- Unique BOOZE Bottles.espCRC: 715040DC
- WATER DG.espCRC: 82F847B6Version: 2.0
- staticmeshimprovementmod-part2.espCRC: F17F9BE4
- staticmeshimprovementmod.espCRC: 92593BC1
- staticmeshimprovementmod-part5.espCRC: 4CD19713
- WATER DB Waves.espCRC: 77EF72E9Version: 2.0
- staticmeshimprovementmod-part6.espCRC: 7938E7F0
- Chesko_Frostfall.espCRC: EF4AE200
- Skyrim Flora Overhaul.espCRC: 9462ED76
- WATER Plants.espCRC: F66566C6Version: 2.0
- WATER.espCRC: DFC8EE75Version: 2.0