Basically I am trying to write a script that will be attached to a spell. When the player casts the spell inside an interior cell, then they will own the cell.
I have no prior scripting knowledge, but I have something that at least somewhat resembles code at this point.
My problem now is that when I try to compile it fails with the message "no viable alternative at input '=' "
I was hoping someone here with more knowledge than me could look over my script and explain why it would say that, and maybe tell me if it looks like my script is doomed in other areas.
ScriptName ClaimSkyrimInterior Extends ActiveMagicEffectActor Property NewOwner AutoObjectReference Property NewHome AutoNewHome = Game.GetPlayer().GetParentCell()NewOwner = Game.GetPlayer() EVENT OnSpellCast(Actor NewOwner) Claim()EndEVENT FUNCTION Claim(Actor NewOwner, ObjectReference NewHome) If NewOwner.IsInterior() NewHome.SetActorOwner(NewOwner) && Debug.Trace("Claimed!") EndIfEndFUNCTION