crafted armor base stats change based on what i'm wearing

Post » Fri Jul 04, 2014 7:10 pm

i'm having trouble finding any information on this online.

when i'm crafting dragonscale armor (not improving, but actually crafting) the base armor stats change depending on what i'm wearing.

if i'm wearing nothing at all, my base armor of it (dragonscale armor) is 116 and worth 1500 gold.

if i equip myself with 4 pieces of dragonscale armor (plain and unenchanted) and try to craft the same thing, now my base armor is 181 and worth 1500 gold.

if i wear 3 pieces of plain hide armor the base armor (again on dragonscale armor) is now 145 and worth 1500.

i just want to know if wearing the dragonscale armor while crafting dragonscale armor gives me the highest rating and why this happens. if there's something else i could be wearing while crafting (not improving, creating) that would make it higher than 181 base stat.

thanks a bunch for any insight!

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