Oh, damn. Yeah, ok, her name is probably way out there then.
Killing all the important Thalmor faces on her own will be one heck of a mission now, she'd either have to take up a cover identity and do things really slowly and silently from now on, or organize a group of like-minded people to aid her (these are all RP suggestions and brainstorming, I'm aware that you can't do a lot of that stuff properly in actual game
Also, if her name is that known, re-establishing the family likely won't go unnoticed. She's the last remaining member, re-establishing a family basically means getting married and giving birth to several heirs. That also means having to choose a spot, settling down, and being there for prolonged period of time. There's nothing that would stop the Thalmor from sending a couple of mage agents that would just blow up the house.
So maybe using that mentioned cover identity and stashing enormous amounts of riches to be used for protection and whatnot before starting the re-establishing, or something. Going that path, if she doesn't already emotionally connect to either side, it might be smarter to go with Imperials. Getting her name out there, increasing in ranks and all that jazz probably ensures better protection and more money than joining the Stormcloaks.
Yeah, because general thought is that Stormcloaks can't muster up the power against Dominion that Imperials can, though in my own opinion, no matter who wins, Imperials legion already fought with fraction of their power, and that fraction was broken further down in the civil war, so I don't find them to be any more capable of fighting them than Stormcloaks. There's also that Dark Brotherhood related thing, if it's going to be canon, that slows Imperials even more. From strategic point, there is no reason why Dominion wouldn't strike Cyrodiil and Skyrim right after events of TES V, neither would stand a chance.
Lol I got slightly carried away, sorry.