Skyrim Mods Content Survey - Make your voice heard!

Post » Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:43 am

I've created a somewhat long survey where people can share their opinion on Skyrim content. I originally created the survey purely for my own use in creating Saviik City, but decided to extend it to include some more topics and make it available for all modders to benefit from. The results will be made available in the Skyrim Mod Talk section of the Nexus forums, the /r/SkyrimMods subreddit, and the Skyrim Mods section of the gamesas forums once a significant number of people have completed it.

One of the hardest parts of modding Skyrim, at least for me, is not knowing exactly what the players want. Not knowing what to prioritize. Should I focus on dialogue quality, or quantity? Should I make lots of generic quests, or do a smaller number of unique ones? What do people like in an NPC, or a quest, or a dungeon? That is what I hope you will all help answer by completing this survey. Make your voice heard and help us deliver better content for you!

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Stephanie I
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