Please rate my build?

Post » Tue Jul 08, 2014 12:48 am

Before I say anything, let me start off by saying English is not my primary language, so you might be right for expecting typos and/or misused words. Thanks!

Anywho, I've been thinking about making a new character. This will be my fourth, possibly fifth character and playthrough of Skyrim. I have a bunch of ideas I'd like to integrate, so apologies if it seems like I ramble. Everything I have in mind about my character up till this point is laid out below. Enjoy, and critique wherever it is necessary.


Name: Valkan

Race: Dunmer

Stats Ratio: 3 Magicka, 2 Health, 1 Stamina

Stone: I will start off by receiving the blessings of the Mage Stone, as it will allow me to level up my magic skills fairly quickly. Once I contract vampirism however { I am planning to have this happen at level 20 or so } I will change to the Lady Stone.

Skills: Illusion, Destruction, ? <-{ I would like 3 Skills to apply to the Mage aspect, and another 3 to apply to the Assassin aspect. However, I can only come up with two magical skills. I was thinking Alteration, but I'm not sure. Insight here would be great.} Sneak, One-Handed, and Light Armor.

Clothing: Nightingale Armor Set + Whatever Rings/Amulets I come across that benefit me.

Weapons: Bound Dagger and Arrow.


And yes, I have a perk distribution system in mind. It'd just take a lot of time to run through.

So, what do you think? I'm open to any suggestions.

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Post » Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:26 am

If you're going to use bound weapons, wouldn't Conjuration be preferable to Alteration?

You'll get more damage from your weapons and the ability to capture souls.

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Post » Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:27 pm

Alteration has the Paralyze spell once you level up a bit, so that might be worth pursuing. You'll just have to use the -flesh spells to get leveled up. Waterbreathing is great for getting to those higher levels of Alteration. But getting to the point where you can cast Paralyze for half cost may be a waste of perks for your character (4 perks).

If you're going to use bound weapons, you'll want to invest in Conjuration, but that shouldn't take too many perks. (1 perk (Novice) for Bound Dagger, plus 1 for Mystic Binding perk) (Bound Bow is 3 perks (Adept))

Enchanting may have the most useful applications for your character, though.

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