I bought this game the other day, everything loads fine and all. But, after the opening cutscene the theme keeps playing. It gets really annoying because it drowns out the voices. Any ideas on how to solve this?
I bought this game the other day, everything loads fine and all. But, after the opening cutscene the theme keeps playing. It gets really annoying because it drowns out the voices. Any ideas on how to solve this?
The main theme is actually one of the tracks in the game. It's kind of weird, I know.. but you'll get used to it. Whenever I hear an exploration song that I don't like I kill a rat or a scrib or a mudcrab or something.
They're like my fastforward buttons.
Do you hear the main music play through the opening cut scene?
You can also turn the volume down in the options menu.
If you don't want to hear the Morrowind theme when you explore go into your Morrowind/Data Files/ Music/Explore Folder. Find a song that you do like in the folder, duplicate it (copy + paste) and rename it "Morrowind Title" (Delete the old one).
I think gamer86 means as a glitch Because it should never persist after the opening screen so loudly.
(but yes, you'll hear it randomly when you explore)
You can lower the music volume with the in-game Options menu.
Make sure nothing is fully muted, or it can cause weird problems.
Also, did restarting the game help? It might have just been a one time glitch.