The Nightingale armor is okay, and looks good.
But it comes enchanted and you need a mod to get it unenchanted...
Also, it doesn't Smith up too high because (like Thieves Guild or basic Leather armor) there is no Smithing perk applied.
(As an example, basic Scaled armor Smiths up extremely high.)
Lately my guy wears the blackest color Vampire armor with Dragonscale light hand and foot, and a long black light armor fur cowl.
Looks killer! Very sinister. Smiths up to ~600 armor rating too (with no shield).
Everything double-enchanted, and I can wear a circlet under the hood too.
Grab the Cowl mod (if you're on PC), which is on the Workshop:
"Fur Hoods HD" by Northborn. I couldn't imagine playing without it...
EDIT: I use The Lord Stone (standing stone) and Locket of Saint Jiub to reach 500+ armor rating (depending on skill) without a shield.
And then Ebonyflesh can of course add an additional 100 rating on top of that...