so few days ago install like 150 mods and realvision enb, took a while but it was working. then had computer meltdown, and had to reformat. tried re installing everything all the mods and crashed on launch, worked on this for like 2 days with no luck. so here is where i am now, reformatted again everything fresh installs, decided to go with Project enb (seems like less work to install),
1. installed skyrim works fine
2. installed mod organizer v1.2.9 works great launches skyrim fine
3. installed no bethesda intro so i didnt have to watch it a million times launches fine
4. installed skse 1.07.00 launches fine
5. installed CoT v3 works fine
6. installed porject enb following these directions from nexus mod project enb listed below and crashes
- ENB Series v0.119 (for Final Edition users) or v0.221 (most current), please download the binary files here mod_tesskyrim_v0221 and extract d3d9.dll to your Skyrim folder. (Remove the dll file and try the InjectorVersion if you have any problems with the WrapperVersion)
- Download my mod and extract the files from the "main files" folder to your Skyrim folder (where TESV.exe is located), and overwrite if asked.
NOTE: For the Climates Of Tamriel versions, the contents of the Data folder should be copied to your Skyrim/Data folder.
NOTE: Please use the files from the "performance options" folders instead of choosing to enable/disable a feature manually. Each one has been specially tweaked to give the best result. Copy the file of your choice to your Skyrim folder (where TESV.exe is located), and overwrite if asked.
- Open your SkyrimPrefs.ini file located in your "My Documents" folder and make sure these lines are set:
iBlurDeferredShadowMask=5 (if you use "Ultra" shadows)
- Open enblocal.ini and set the VideoMemorySizeMb parameter (e.g. VRAM + RAM - 2048)
- Disable AA in the SkyrimLauncher options
have not tried the injector yet and didnt quite grasp what i was to do on the "- Open enblocal.ini and set the VideoMemorySizeMb parameter (e.g. VRAM + RAM - 2048)" part.
also in nvidia control panel changed program settings for tesv.exe:
ambient occlusion:off
anisotropic filtering: application-controlled
antialiasing - gamma correction: off
antialiasing - mode: off
shader cache: off
texture filtering - anisotropic sample optimization: off
testure filtering - negative LOD Bias: allow
virtical sync: use the 3d application setting
also as a side note i edited the skyrimpref.ini in both mydoc/mygame/skyrim and in the mod organizer profiles.
please help very sad want enb it make the game look really good, works fine on laptop and wife computer
here are my computer specs:
Windows 8.1 64 bit
i5-3570k CPU @ 3.40GHz
16.0 GB ram
EVGA nvidia GeForce GTX 660 Ti 2GB GDDR5 Memory