Hello, im looking for help restoring a old save game (a lvl 81 Altmer vampire) so i can play through the dragonborn XPAC. So far ive tried reinstalling the complex plugins i used. I also tried using PDTwrapper and the Skyrim save tool aswell, with no success.
What i'm looking for is a utility (or someone knowledgeable) that'll strip basic data from a save.
character level (reset perks points)
journal entries (completed quests)
active quests (standard skyrim+xpacs)
shouts (standard skyrim+xpacs)
spells (standard skyrim+xpacs)
quest abilities (standard skyrim+xpacs)
racial abilities (standard skyrim+xpacs)
other functionality
add to inv any gear from completed quests.
import standard skyrim+xpac gear ref's aswell
with the save rebuilt a fresh and all the moddified data and stored equip dumped from the save i'm hoping the save would now load. It'd be a usefull tool for alot of ppl, save alot of frustration.