Interest Check - Faction Based TES Roleplay

Post » Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:31 pm

As the title says, I'd like to see if there are enough people around willing to start up a faction based RP in the vein of Columbia over at the Fallout Artwork and Fan Fiction forum.

The barebones planned setting is post TES V Skyrim. The Dragonborn helped Ulfric Stormcloak remove the Imperials from power, but Ulfric himself was killed in the battle for Solitude. The Dragonborn led the Stormcloaks to victory, and was given the throne. That was one year ago, and Skyrim is currently in the even worse turmoil than before.

The only questlines the Dragonborn did were Dragonborn, Miraak and Civil War. However, all of the factions can be considered in the state they would be in if their questlines had been completed. The Companions have a new Harbinger, the Dark Brotherhood found it's listener and a shadowy figure sits in the Volkihar throne. These are meant to be the players' personal characters. The state of your faction and how it got there will be up to you. The Dragonborn himself will have extremely little influence, but when interaction with him is necessary I will control him. Should the RP become a thing, I'll make a CS.

That isn't to say that I will be a GM, however. The RP will be community GMed, meaning that we will vote on issues rather than let two or three people have all of the power. The community will vote on whether or not faction/character sheets are acceptable, on who wins battles between players and will generally be responsible to keep things running smoothly. If someone does something that violates the rules or is highly discourteous, bring it up in the OOC.

All that said, I will add in things like rules, CS/FS templates and a full introductory with more information on the state of Skyrim if we get enough interest. If you are interested, but think something should be changed, please feel free to share your opinions. This thing is still in a fluid state and open to any change.

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Claire Vaux
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