Frostfall's Traveler's Cloaks?

Post » Thu Jul 10, 2014 1:32 pm

Earlier in my game, I was able to craft both the Hide Cloak, and the Fur Cloak.
I made the Hide Cloak, and now I am wanting a Fur Cloak.
I can't find where or how to craft a Fur Cloak anywhere, either in the Tanning Rack menu, or in the Frostfall manual,

(I've also noticed the option to craft a Backpack is missing too...)

The only thing that has changed since the start of this playthrough is I've installed Cloaks of Skyrim,

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Post » Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:12 pm

is the load order right, with frostfall first and cloaks later? do you have the Cloaks of Skyrim crafting book, Fryssa the Wide's Nordic Tailoring? and have you checked at a Cloaks of Skyrim spinning wheel (Dragonsreach, Winterhold)?

the 4 travellers cloaks are definitely in the frostfall crafting menu, and backpacks at the tanning rack. You need bear pelts or wolf pelts in the inventory for the backpacks & traveller's fur cloak to show up. Cloaks of Skyrim shouldn't have broken that...

I use Winter is Coming instead these days so can't help beyond that.

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